I hear this term thrown around alot, “Cultural Marxism”. What is it ? Marxism is a theory of history, and an economic system. How can you be culturally Marxist ? Its often brought up as a continuation of a Nazi era term, “cultural bolshevism”. They claimed that highly sexualized, anti-family art, music, film etc. were pushing a “bolshevik” “war” on German culture. However, Germany then pursued an alliance with the Soviet Union. and in reality, Stalin had absolutely zero tolerance for anything cultural that could fit into this category. Abortion and homosexuality were both banned very early on during Stalin’s tenure. If the nazis were concerned about cultural bolshevism, they wouldn’t have pursued an alliance with the Soviets, and very quickly post molotov-ribbontrop, changed all of their rhetoric from anti-soviet to anti-English/anti-American.
In practice, The Soviet Union and the Axis powers had remarkably(or not some remarkably) similar domestic policies.
”Cultural marxism” or “wokeness” as we know it today, begins with critical theory. Critical theory, was the ideological capstone of a group of Jewish academic’s from Frankfurt, known as the Frankfurt school. The helped pioneer much of the degeneracy of the Weimar era, and got bounced out of Germany and sought refuge in the west. interestingly they did not seek asylum in The Soviet Union. additionally they were vociferously anti-Soviet.
After arriving in the USA, they all became professors at Columbia university and achieved a remarkable level of influence in the USA, down to today, where they are the pre-eminent faction in American leftism. They seemed to have had some assistance in achieving this status, from none other then the CIA. https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/the-cia-the-frankfurt-schools-anti-communism/
At the end of the cold war, a treasure trove of CIA documents were declassified known as the family jewels. They detail much of the interaction with the Frankfurt school, as well as activities of the Soviet Union in cold war Europe. namely, offering Covert support to a number of post-war neo-fascist groups, most especially, the Socialist Reich Party, of General Otto Remer, perhaps the most successful neo-fascist party of all time. The CIA, using the frankfurt school had rendered Western Marxists as inert, critical theory removed their fangs and made them useless to the Soviets. Less then useless in fact as they all became anti-soviet.
Using the Wikipedia articles on General Remer, and the Socialist Reich party we get these interesting tidbits :
According to Martin A. Lee, although the SRP was anti-communist, it focused on criticizing Britain and the United States for "splitting their beloved Fatherland in two" and avoided criticism of the Soviet Union in the hope that a future deal could be made with the Soviets to reunite Germany.[7] The SRP took the stance that Germany should remain neutral in the emerging Cold War and opposed the West German government's Atlanticist foreign policy. In case of war between the Soviet Union and the West, Remer "insisted that Germans should not fight to cover an American retreat if the Russians got the upper hand in a war", and said that he would "show the Russians the way to the Rhine" and that SRP members would "post themselves as traffic policemen, spreading their arms so that the Russians can find their way through Germany as quickly as possible".[8][9] Martin A. Lee alleges that these statements attracted the attention of Soviet officials, who became willing to fund the SRP for tactical reasons. According to Lee, for a few years in the early 1950s the SRP received Soviet funds while the Communist Party of Germany did not, due to being purportedly viewed as "ineffectual".[10][11] The SRP viewed Israel as an "enemy power" in its foreign policy.[12]
One of the most significant pieces of evidence is the testimony of Otto Ernst Remer. In a 1997 interview, Remer admitted that he had received Soviet backing during his time in the party. Remer stated that he had met with KGB officials in East Berlin and had received financial and logistical support from the Soviet Union.[13] In addition to Remer's testimony, there are other sources of evidence that support the claim that the Soviet Union supported the SRP. For example, a 1953 KGB memo outlines the agency's efforts to cultivate and support right-wing extremist groups in Germany, including the SRP. The memo states that the KGB's aim was "to create a rightist movement that will weaken the position of the United States, weaken the position of the Atlantic bloc, and encourage the German population to seek a neutralist policy".[14][15] Similarly, the CIA's declassified "Family Jewels" documents reveal that the agency had evidence of Soviet funding for far-right groups in Europe, including the SRP.[16] Other examples of this include a comment supposedly made by Wolf von Westarp that the West Comminission of East Germany´s ruling Socialist Unity Party, was a substantial patron of the party.[17] Historian Michael Burleigh, in his book The Third Reich: A New History, discusses the Soviet Union's support for the SRP during the Cold War in extreme detail.[18] Additionally, the Gauck archives in Germany contain evidence of Soviet support for the SRP. The archives contain documents that show that the Stasi, the East German secret police, had frequent meetings with SRP officials and provided them with financial and logistical support.[13]
So we can right away, eliminate any connection between Soviet Communism and Wokeness. the Yuri Bezmenov tapes, the “fake Soviet collapse” and other nonsense are merely fever dreams of western “conservatives”. Important to note that eternal Muscovites, and many other schizophrenic supporters rely on the “writings” (if you can call his drivel that) of Timothy Fitzpatrick, of fitzinfo.net
Some of their highlights, just for the luls are things like : Putin is the illegitimate secret son of Stalin. Dugin, is somehow 200 years old and had recruited Hitler to destroy “the west” on behalf of Stalin. And the Soviet union never collapsed.
Yes, you read that right. the Soviet Union “faked” its own suicide, and has never stopped existing.
The Schizoid Fitspatrick even suggested in 2016, that Americans should vote for Hillary Clinton : https://fitzinfo.net/2016/10/29/trump-controlled-by-mossad/
Anyways i don’t want to go too far into the Fitzpatrick rabbit hole, as it is supremely deranged. I just want to point out the absurdity of cultural “marxist” conspiracy theories when taken to the extreme, logical conclusion.
So Why did the Frankfurt school come to America, and why did the CIA welcome them with open arms ?
That brings us to the real meat of this article. What is liberalism. later on we will return to Cultural Marxism and I will show the horse shoe that takes place when these two meet.
Liberalism is a political ideology that originated during the enlightenment and rationalism. it comes in both left wing and right wing variants. Whats often called “right wing” libertarianism, can also often be called “classical liberalism”. it is the original varient.
Its based on two main premises :
1. Human will, informed by reason, is the ultimate political principle.
2. Tabula Rasa, Blank Slate
Both of these relate to the original concept, the “state of nature”. According to liberalism, Mankind “naturally” exists in a pre-social state, where all relationships with other humans are voluntary. Rousseau, John Locke, Montesqiue, Grotius and others each had their own unique spin. With most disagreements centering around “property” and whether it existed or not.
So in this pre-social state 1. Everyone is equal in worth. 2. differences between people are social constructs, the true human form is a “universal man”. 3. Because people are completely interchangable and without natural culture, there is a necessary equality of opportunity. and 4. The blank slate as mentioned above. This is the idea, that anyone, can be taught anything.
Now this is obvious nonsense, Humans are social animals. you will literally just go insane and die, or die right away as your brain shuts down, if you cut off all interaction with other people for an extended period of time. Regardless, this state of nature as the natural law, means that the best government is one that is closest to the state of nature. Liberalism desires as its highest governing principle that the best government is the least intrusive. Nothing should constrain human will. There should be the absolute minimum level of restrictions on human behavior.
These concepts have so influenced American/western culture that its hard to fathom. Equality, and the Universal man have become quasi-religious concepts in the western imagination. They are articles of faith. And the liberal paradigm precludes any answer, to any problem, that does not result in the equality of all people.
This is poison. it naturally leads to a situation, where there is a constant push against anything behaviorally Normative, or moralistic, or restrictive.
Liberalism, not communism, is responsible for mass migration. “magic dirt” theories that different humans become something different the second they touch the dirt inhabited by another group. Liberalism, not communism, is responsible for feminism, political homosexuality, immorality, the decay of the family, deracination. atomization. Alienation. and generally every other problem our Society faces.
Anyone with a brain already realizes this.
Something often not explored, is the interaction between Critical theory, and liberalism.
It seems counter intuitive, that something that aims to maximize freedom for the individual, should be so totalitarian as western “progressivism” .
However when you really think about it the answer becomes obvious.
as the critical theory is applied, the ideologies horse shoe. And the conclusion reached is that maximum government interference and regulation is necessary to achieve the liberal equality.
Critical theory had as one of its most explored concepts an idea they called “the authoritarian personality”. Basically, Europeans are hard wired for fascism. because of Patriarchy, gender norms, Christianity, Masculinity, and patriotism its simply a matter of time until Euros do a racism. This also brings us back to the Soviets, which the Frankfurt school labeled “red fascism”. They theorized that “the authoritarian personality” manifested, and subverted the egalitarian aims of the Soviet Union, which resulted in a nationalistic, militant, patriarchal, chauvinistic communism. And there is no way around this in the Critical theory, except the total abolishment of the White race. without that, its simply a matter of time until fascism happens again. They also define the White race, uniquely in nothing but negative terms. the White race, IS, “the authoritarian personality”, when viewed as a social institution when discussed in collective terms instead of on an individual basis. And we begin to see this perfect synchronicity and why these are natural bed mates. One wishes a Society without Social norms, the other wishes an end to White social norms, which they consider as THE natural obstacle to perfect egalitarianism. Having a common goal : Utopian identity-less-ness, they perfectly compliment each other. Wokeness helps identify obstacles to the pursuit of this universal state and provides technical methods for achieving it. State intervention to remove the obstacles. This, ideological singularity, produces something so incoherent its actually perverse just to consider it. A Totalitarian Anarcho-tyranny. A dictatorship of the identity-less. A tyrannical pursuit of removal of social norms, beliefs, institutions and behaviors that impede equality.
Everything that conservatives blame on Marxism. they themselves are responsible for propagating, Opposition to communism, is like fighting the tides. As its the wrong enemy, you achieve nothing.
Until we correctly identify the enemy, and begin fighting this idea of liberty, and the west itself, everything is pointless. “Freedom” is our enemy.