In the early-middle days of 1945, Berlin fell and with it the era of fascist thought’s domination of the right. During the coming decades, the survivors on the fascist side would ideologically fall under Soviet influence, and perhaps most importantly, that of White Belgian Congolese who brought with them an ideology that had arisen in the Kongo, pan-Eurafricanism. the idea that all of the White Colonial states in Africa should be united into a super-state, that would exist to provide material benefit for Whites, and even suggested a kind of, overlord Socialism, where the pan-Eurafrican state would run the resource extraction based economy, and use the profit to ensure an extremely high standard of living for every White person. These Belgian Colonists brought their ideas back with them, and through the influence of guys like Alain du Benoist, Thiriart, Rene Binet, Francis Parker Yockey, Oswald Mosley and many others the european “New Right” came into existence. This new right shaped post war fascism and became what is known as “third positionism”. The desire for Europe to create a third power, separate from both the Soviets, and the Americans. The Third Position wanted Europe to be independent of both positions, but still considered the Americans a more dangerous enemy.
A shadow war began in earnest and was waged throughout the Cold war between the US and the Soviets, very quickly the US intel services had nullifed the threat of western Marxism, through the Frankfurt school which spread social liberalism and a pernicious third worldism that claimed that Brown and black people are the proletariat, and Whites cannot be part of the working class. This was extended to the Soviets which the Frankfurt school labeled “red fascism”. By contrast the Soviets supported Western far right movements.
This situation continued for sometime, until in the waning days of the cold war, the CIA began to fear a World without communism as an enemy and endeavoured to keep the cold war going, even if only in people’s minds. Enter Yuri Bezmenov, a Soviet defector who falsely claimed to have been a KGB operative who created an entire fantasy setting he presented as real, where the Soviets are “infiltrating” the west and creating subversive political movements, such as critical theory (which we know without a doubt, was a creation of the CIA, and whose original task was turning western Marxists against the communist powers). This created an absolutely insane conspiracy theory, “the Perestroika deception”. Which is the idea that the Soviet Union did not actually ever collapse, it was a trick to lull people to sleep, Soviets continue to control their entire empire. the Ukraine war isn’t happening.
Canadian rightists, who have an extreme libertarian streak in their right wing politics are at the center of this, with things like the fitz patrick informer, shown below. This is a hive of conspiracy theories which claims that “bolshevik-masons” control the entire world. in 2016 for example they were shilling for Hillary Clinton. lol, from a “right wing” position supposedly. the only constant in their drivel is that whatever is good for israel is actually the right position, and Russians, not the jews control the world. Anyone with connections to Russia automatically becomes part of the conspiracy. This includes Nazi Germany, which Fitzpatrick claims was created by the Soviets ! Adolf Hitler was a KGB agent, who was trained by Dugin, who is apparently around 200 years old, and in some of the posts they allude to the idea that Dugin may be Rasputin.
This is Communistophobia taken to its logical conclusion, if you do the actual research. Most online neo nazis rely on memes, if you actually study the history and ideology, you will of course notice the relationship between marxism and fascism, and then as you go through history, much like the fitzpatrick people, you will notice ties between fascism and communists, continuing to today, with most of the organized far right in Europe being financed by Russia. If you start this historical search with the pre-conceived notion that Communism is bad you eventually reach the position of the eternal Muscovites and the rest of the “eternals” : jews good, Russia bad. Whereas if you have a more open mind and support fascism you eventually reach the conclusion of the post war fascists : the Nazbol position.
However this article is not about Perestroika deception, its about exploring the Nazbol origins of the modern right, and suggesting how we can cut the Zionist-American cancer out of the right.
Nazbol has always been an eclectic ideology, that is more about a trend in rightist/leftist ideology rather then a concrete set of ideas. It arose almost simultaneously in Germany and Russia but from different sources. I’d trace the foundations of it from Plato, to Hegel, to Marx to eventually diverge from Marx through Sorel and then converging with the conservative revolution and reaction turned revolutionary through Oswald Spengler ( Fascism had a very similar trajectory, going from Sorel to Mussolini and National Socialism the same but the the added step of reorientation and distillation through Woltman, a racial Marxist who believed that the Nordic race filled the role of the historical dialectic in marxian theory). Additionally like all modern ideologies it had influence from the french revolution, but unlike Orthodox marxism which began with the Jacobin tradition in the french revolutionary assortment, it can be traced through Napoleon Bonaparte.
After the overthrow of the Bourbon Monarchy, the Jacobin’s and Robespierre took over France, and the directory oversaw a bloody orgy, the creation of a new religion “ the cult of reason”, mass murder of Nobles, including people suspected of Noble heritage (blondes were targetted for murder by the mob). Eventually Napoleon stormed the Directory and declared himself dictator. Shortly after he declared himself Emperor, and created a regime that maintained much of the revolutionary character such as freedom for the peasantry, improved economic mobility, redistribution of wealth. But he did some things that were just as reactionary, or perhaps moreso, then the Monarchy had : restoration of slavery, outlawing interracial marriage, banning non-whites from setting foot in mainland France. His “infamous decree” supposedly emancipated the jews, however he annulled all loans owed to jews, he banned jews from working in Banking, Education, or the Newspapers, and created programs to teach jews crafts so that they could begin to live like Normal people, rather then a caste of money lenders. He also did something quite revolutionary and created a new Nobility, he called “Nobility of Service”, people who displayed intelligence, bravery, and character were ennobled under his reign (around 60% of them were Soldiers who had proven themselves in battle) and entrusted with the task of leading and above all else caring for the french people. By the end of the Monarchy the Bourbon’s had been debasing the idea of Nobility by selling titles to any plutocrat who collected enough money, so returning Nobility to an ideal, that must be earned, as in early feudalism, was revolutionary but also made the French nobility super effective, Above all else, Napoleon created the idea of a “French" people”. before Napoleon, France had been a country of regions. Celtic Bretons, Germanic Alsatians, Franks and Normans, Itallic Provencals and Corsicans. Napoleon attempted to unite them as one people, united by race and a shared destiny.
Moving on from Napoleon we reach Sorel, who famously attempted to unite the french revolutionary far left, with extreme right monarchists/nationalists.
Skipping ahead a bit we hit ww1, germany loses and occupies the Rhineland, specifically with black soldiers who went on a spree of rape and terror. its known as the “black horror on the rhine”. This led eventually to a revolution in the Rhineland, conducted both by right wingers with the Freikorps, and communist revolutionaries. The Soviets offered aid and sent several thousand rifles. Some of the Freikorps members, fighting side by side with communists, armed by the Soviets, came to see England and France as the real enemy of Germany, and thus was born Nazbol.
Many things happened, ww2, the Soviets and Germans had signed non-aggression pact, and the Soviets had been offered a place in the Axis, but the Soviets and Germans couldn’t come to terms about who would get what when the war was over so negotiations stalled until German launched a suprise attack on the Soviets. Everybody is familiar with what happened so I don’t want to focus on that too much.
With the background out of the way, its finally time to explore the meat of the Article : Post war fascism
Following world war two and the total defeat of Fascism, rightism floundered for a time before beginning a renewel, the “New Right” . it began simultaneously in France, Belgium and Germany. In Germany general Remer organized the Socialist Reich party, financed and supported by the Soviet Union.
Rene Binet founded the New European order in France. Thiriart, a returnee from Belgian Congo, first founded a White supremacist political party in Belgium for Colonial returnees, before eventually, along with Oswald Moseley, working on a pan-european nationalism, greatly inspired by the Imperium idea of Francis Parker Yockey.
In France, rightists associated with the Vichy regime had been driven underground, but eventually made a political resurrection through the Poujadist movement. Radical french Nationalism, Catholic integralism, Monarchism, and neo-fascism all came together led by Poujade.
The foundational beliefs of the “new right” or Nouvelle Droite, were a revolutionary conservatism, anti-capitalism, the desire for Europe to be a “third power”, separate from both the west and the Soviets, and above all else, they had begun rejecting single state nationalism. The first manifestations of this were the European Social Movement. It started in 1951 in Switzerland and attempted to promote pan-european nationalism and considered itself a successor to the italian Social movement which along with the Socialist Reich Party in Germany, attempted to provide a political vehicle for former fascists. The Italian Social Movement had set up a center, called Europa Unita which hosted fascists from all over the continent. The European Social movement led by Gaston-Armand Amaudruz hosted a conference in Rome, attended by Oswald Moseley and his “Union movement” (will explore below), representatives from the Spanish Falange and many other far right figures throughout Europe. They laid out plans to support the creation and integration of a centrally organized European Union. The group began to fall apart however because the French segment was unhappy that Racialism was not central to the organization. the leader of the French group, Rene Binet ,quit the ESM, and started the New European Order .
The New European Order (NEO) was a neo-fascist, Europe-wide alliance set up in 1951 to promote pan-European nationalism. The NEO, led by René Binet and Gaston-Armand Amaudruz, was a more radical splinter group that broke away from the European Social Movement after denouncing their restrained program.
In the words of scholar Nicolas Lebourg, "the NEO virulently defended the idea of a new world order based on racial hierarchy, in which 'white humanity', by federating its nations, will see the birth of 'the new man within the new race' through a totalitarian party-state."[1]
Rene Binet is quit an interesting fellow, He began as a Trotskyist and communist, he strongly supported the militaristic and expansionist idea of “permanent revolution” found in Trotsky’s writings. He joined the French communist party but was eventually expelled along with many others who had fallen under the leadership of Jacques Doriot.
Doriot, himself a Trotskyist, and a communist politician in France and eventually a collaborator had supported the idea of a “popular front” uniting all the different Socialist parties and the communists, as well as much of the french far right, had begun spreading his idea’s through the communist party. He eventually began to support racialism, and ultranationalism along with socialism and was eventually expelled from the Communist party, he took Binet and many others with him, and eventually became a fanatic for collaboration with the German Occupation and led the PPF, or French Popular Party, most of the original members had been disaffected communists who turned towards the far right, but later on became attractive to many french fascists, and monarchists, and eventually turned towards an ideological anti-semitism.
Binet, had joined the PPF and after the German invasion he joined the SS Charlemagne division and faught for Germany until the end of the war. The Communist fourth international had expelled him in 1937, and eventually in 1939 he was labeled a traitor to the Trotskyist cause of internationalism. by 1951 He and his New European order were close allies of the Socialist Reich Party, and advocated the idea of a “White world” that would unite all White countries and practice racial nationalism and wrote a very influential book in the identitarian movement, “the theory of racism”. Interestingly he was also firmly anti-colonial , and many of his idea’s laid the groundwork for the modern right. the term ZOG (Zionist occupied government) and fear of White genocide through mass migration. The group began as the “republican party of the real french” and in cooperation with the Socialist Reich Party began pushing for a Franco-German Union to unite the countries on the basis of a shared Frankish/European heritage. They condemned ‘American and Slavic imperialism”, but considered the Americans and English to the be the source of the influx of Africans to France which was its initial focus, along with economic socialism. The group attempted to recruit rightists with fears that the Anglo-Saxons were attempting to dissolve French culture through the use of African immigration, and leftists with economic nationalism based on the idea that wages were being purposefully depressed by capitalists through the use of imported African Labor. He believed that a United Europe was necessary to roll back the “Russo-American occupation of western Europe through the use of Niggers,Mongols, and Jews”
In his views you can clearly see the influence of Trotsky both in permanent revolution, and in internationalism. He substituted the proletariat, for the White race, and relied on biological racism. An international racial revolution, on the global and national level, which would result in a racial dictatorship(very similar to the dictatorship of the proletariat) . His arch-enemy was "judeo-interbreeding capitalism”, a global capitalism that seeks to create a uniform humanity through consumerism, and that only a “true racial socialism” could create a ‘racial liberation through revolution and absolute segregation at both the global and national level”. It has been argued that his idea’s of “interbreeding capitalism” influenced Renaud Camus and his ‘great replacement theory”.
Rene Binet was close allies with the Socialist Reich Party of Germany led by General Otto Remer. While a successor party to the NSDAP, it also included many Strasserist themes, and suggested a Neutrality for Germany and Europe between the Soviets and Americans, but a Neutrality that leaned towards the Soviets. Remer had famously suggested that if a third world war were to breakout, the SRP would stand guard on the roads and assist the Soviets in moving, quickly through Germany to attack the west.
At the same time this was going on in France and Germany, Under the influence and leadership of Yockey and others, Oswald Moseley (English, fascist) and Thiriart (Belgian Congoloese Colonist returned to Europe. by this time was referring to himself as a nazbol) attmepted to create a nationalism that would serve the newly emerging European Union. Pan-European nationalism culminated in Oswald Moseley’s “union movement”, exemplified by the phrase “ Europe, a Nation”. Moseley wrote ‘the Alternative”, possibly inspired by Yockey’s declaration of London and creation of the European Liberation Front. The alternative, argued for a fully integrated Europe that would be a superpower in its own right, balancing the Anglo-American vs Soviet World order. Thiriart and Moseley eventually formed “the National Party of Europe” with a few aims :
The creation of Europe a Nation through a common European government.
The creation of an elected European parliament.
The continuation of national parliaments with their authority limited to social and cultural matters.
Economics to be driven by the wage-price mechanism to ensure fair wages and economic growth.
The creation of an economic alternative to capitalism and communism.
More worker control and less bureaucracy in nationalized industries.
An end to the role of the United Nations with the US, USSR and Europe acting as three equals.
Decolonization with a move to set up single-ethnic governments in former colonies.
Europe to be defined as mainland territory outside of the USSR, the United Kingdom, overseas territories and around one-third of Africa.[4]
All of these various movements coalesced into the European New Right as mentioned above. the very beginning of third positionism. French National Trotskyism, British Unionism, National Bolshevism and White unity brough back to Europe by Colonists in Africa, resurgent Italian Neo-fascism, and Strasserist German neo-nazism when mixed together formed the new political trend that still defines our third positionist ideology. When we say Nazbol, or Patriotic Socialism, or Social-nationalism in terms of the PSF this is the heritage we are attempting to uphold and represent.
But this heritage has been perverted by anti-communist subversives, who kept much of the language (ZOG, Great replacement etc.) but attempts to redirect the energy of the right towards petty nationalism (keeping the White race divided so that we can be more easily conquered) and focused on efforts conveniently beneficial to zionism. As long as the right continues to focus on anti-communism, rather then opposition to zionist-American globalism, and the GAE ( global American Empire) we will just be spinning our wheels and wasting our energy.
American Capitalism, American cultural imperialism, American Global Empire. These are the true enemy. Its time to return to our roots. If you consider yourself a fascist, you need to wake up and do your research and find out where the ideas you believe in come from. “anti-communism” is mutually exclusive the third position. If you are a dedicated anti-communist, you do not believe in what the National Socialists/fascists did. I implore you, to read Imperium by Yockey, Decline of the west by Spengler, the complete works of Evola, “Europe, an Empire of 400 million, from Lisbon to Vladivostok “ by Thiriart, and above all else, read the National Bolshevik Manifesto by Paetel.
As it is, Mass movement politics won’t work. Our task is to build an Elitist, revolutionary vanguard that will lead us towards racial revolution. Our commitment is to an eternal White revolution, an imperial notion, a ethnically federated White Imperium. Racial Socialism, ethnopluralism, anti-colonialism, anti-capitalism, and The great Leader principle operating as protector and Emperor/Fuhrer of the global White Aryan Empire. We demand freedom, and a dictatorship of racialism.